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- Law
₨ 39,500.00
- Written by the UK's pre-eminent employment lawyer, this indispensable work examines all aspects of the role of the employment relationship concentrating on the common law obligations of both employer and employee. It studies the policies and philosophies of the employment relationship - both academic and those emanating from the EU and from governmental bodies such as the DTI - responsible…
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- Law, Legal System
₨ 6,500.00
- The ninth edition of The English Legal Process has been extensively rewritten to take account of the vast changes that have affected the English legal system since the last edition in 2000. The implemented Human Rights Act 1998, the Access to Justice Act 1999, the 1998 Civil Procedure Rules, and the fundamental findings of the Auld Review are all discussed…
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- Law, Legal Systems
₨ 5,800.00
- This best selling textbook assists students of the English legal system in the achievement of a good understanding of the law, its institutions and processes, and sets the law and system in a social context, presenting a range of critical views. Since the last edition of this book, the changes to the English legal system have been extensive and the…
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- Judgement, Law
₨ 9,500.00
- Hugh Collins argues that the European Union should develop a civil code to provide uniform rules for contracts, property rights and protection against civil wrongs, thus drawing together the differing national traditions with respect to the detailed regulation of civil society. The benefits of such a code would lie not so much in facilitating cross border trade, but in establishing…
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- Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Law
₨ 4,500.00
- There is a remarkable paucity of pictorial material to draw on when discussing human rights and the way they are respected or infringed, yet we are deluged everyday in every medium with images that openly show violence. The result is a surfeit of cynicism. Visualizing Human Rights presents no such exotic cruelty; rather, the photographs it gathers together capture injustice…
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