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- Law, Legal Essays. Memories and Biographies
₨ 1,600.00
- Sir Robin Dunn would have succeeded, and gone to the top, in any career he might have chosen, but it was the army to which he was born. His father, both grandfathers and one great grandfather were military men, and it was the gunners and the RM.A. which beckoned after leaving Wellington. Yet in later life he became a Lord…
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- Justice, Law
₨ 1,120.00
- Reading books is a kind of enjoyment. Reading books is a good habit. We bring you a different kinds of books. You can carry this book where ever you want. It is easy to carry. It can be an ideal gift to yourself and to your loved ones. Care instruction keep away from fire.
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- Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Law
₨ 9,900.00
- This book deals comprehensively with all aspects of the tenant's right of first refusal. Analysing the 1987 Landlord and Tenant Act and the relevant case law, the book will provide practitioners with the legal arguments from both the landlord and the tenant's point of view.
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