
Dr. Jusitce AR. Lakshmanan, presently Judge of Supreme Court of India and an awardee of “Shiromani Vikas Award”, “Viyay Shree Award” and “For the Sake of Honour Award”, was born on March 22, 1942 in Sivaganga district of Tamil nadu. He completed his study upto S.S.L.C. from Devakottai and after graduating in Economics from St. Joseph’s College, Tiruchirrapalli and his B.L. from Madras Law College in 1966. he started his practice from Madras High Court under the guidance of Mr. Justice G. Ramanujam, the then government pleader of Madras High Court. Mr. K. Venkataswami, the then Advocate General and Judge of Supreme Court, Mr. R. Krishnamurthy, Senior Advocate and former Advocate General of Tamil Nadu and then started his independent practice in civil, criminal,writ, tax laws etc., both on original and appellate sides in Madras High Court. About Author : Dr. Justice AR. Lakshmana, the author of the book is known and popular as Justice ARL in the judicial map of India. Many of his judgments possess an honour of being called ” Landmark Judgments”. Some of them are famous and strong which were upheld by the higher authorities. The author is of the firm view that nothing can replace hard work in achieving greatness in any walk of life. The key to success, according to him, are har work and crudite scholarship. Contents : Part I Voice of Justice Part II Law and Justice Part III Human Rights Part IV Gender Justice Part V Law and Science Part VI Law and Environment Part VII Cyber Law & IPR Part VIII Criminal Law Part IX Alternative Dispute Resolution & Speedy Justice Part X Human Resource and Dispute Resolution Part XI Taxation Part XII Spiritualism Part XIII A

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Dr. Jusitce AR. Lakshmanan, presently Judge of Supreme Court of India and an awardee of “Shiromani Vikas Award”, “Viyay Shree Award” and “For the Sake of Honour Award”, was born on March 22, 1942 in Sivaganga district of Tamil nadu. He completed his study upto S.S.L.C. from Devakottai and after graduating in Economics from St. Joseph’s College, Tiruchirrapalli and his B.L. from Madras Law College in 1966. he started his practice from Madras High Court under the guidance of Mr. Justice G. Ramanujam, the then government pleader of Madras High Court. Mr. K. Venkataswami, the then Advocate General and Judge of Supreme Court, Mr. R. Krishnamurthy, Senior Advocate and former Advocate General of Tamil Nadu and then started his independent practice in civil, criminal,writ, tax laws etc., both on original and appellate sides in Madras High Court. About Author : Dr. Justice AR. Lakshmana, the author of the book is known and popular as Justice ARL in the judicial map of India. Many of his judgments possess an honour of being called ” Landmark Judgments”. Some of them are famous and strong which were upheld by the higher authorities. The author is of the firm view that nothing can replace hard work in achieving greatness in any walk of life. The key to success, according to him, are har work and crudite scholarship. Contents : Part I Voice of Justice Part II Law and Justice Part III Human Rights Part IV Gender Justice Part V Law and Science Part VI Law and Environment Part VII Cyber Law & IPR Part VIII Criminal Law Part IX Alternative Dispute Resolution & Speedy Justice Part X Human Resource and Dispute Resolution Part XI Taxation Part XII Spiritualism Part XIII A