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- Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Law
₨ 31,500.00
- This volume provides a comprehensive analysis of civil liability for invasion of personality interests in Europe. It is the final product of the collaboration of twenty-seven scholars and includes case studies of fourteen European jurisdictions, as well as an introductory chapter written from a US perspective. The case studies focus in particular on the legal protection of honour and reputation,…
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- Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Law
₨ 27,900.00
- This book, written by experts from Scotland and South Africa, examines exactly how human-rights provisions influence private law, looking at all branches of the subject. Moreover, it gives a unique perspective by comparing the approach in these kindred legal systems, providing a benchmark for both.
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- Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Law
₨ 8,250.00
- This book shows how to successfully tackle essay questions typically found in examination papers on human rights and civil liberties. It has been designed to cover the key areas found on courses, and includes questions and answers on both domestic civil liberties and international human rights.
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- Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Law
₨ 24,000.00
- Religious Freedom: History, Cases, and Other Materials on the Interaction of Religion and Government situates the First Amendment’s religion clauses firmly within their larger historical context. The third edition adds new materials on major events in the long narrative of the human struggle for religious freedom that preceded the First Amendment, from ancient Roman religion through early Christianity, the Reformation,…
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- Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Law
₨ 9,300.00
- The bundling of political authority into mutually exclusive territorial boundaries - territoriality - is a fundamental principle of modern political organization. Indeed, it provides the foundation for other cherished institutions - national sovereignty, citizenship, the modern welfare state, and democracy. Are globalization, internationalization, and Europeanization conspiring to unbundle territoriality? If so, are sovereignty, citizenship, the welfare state, and democracy unravelling…
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- Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Law
₨ 920.00
- Centre for Advanced Studies in Human Rights (CASIHR) is a centre for research and excellence which conducts and undertakes research on variety of human rights issues. Article 21 of the Constitution guarantees ‘right to life’ which is res integra to our Constitution. Article 21 has been subject of judicial interpretation over years and its scope has been expanded by the…
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- Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Law
₨ 14,000.00
- Rogues, Thieves and the Rule of Law" is a large-scale study of crime, disorder and law enforcement in northern England in the early modern period. London was not the only city where female criminals were common and gangs were feared, nor was it the sole centre of industrial and political agitation. The north was an area of national significance which…
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- Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Law
₨ 6,750.00
- With an eye on the turn of the millennium this book canvasses some of the most important arguments in the sovereignty debate among international relations scholars. The essays look into selected aspects of that institution seeking to assess its contemporary significance and the extent to which its framework and modus operandi may be changing.
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- Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Law
₨ 9,900.00
- This book deals comprehensively with all aspects of the tenant's right of first refusal. Analysing the 1987 Landlord and Tenant Act and the relevant case law, the book will provide practitioners with the legal arguments from both the landlord and the tenant's point of view.
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- Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Law
₨ 22,990.00
- Liberal defences of nationalism have become prevalent since the mid-1980’s. Curiously, they have largely neglected the fact that nationalism is primarily about land. Should liberals throw up their hands in despair when confronting conflicting claims stemming from incommensurable national narratives and holy texts? Should they dismiss conflicting demands that stem solely from particular cultures, religions and mythologies in favour of…
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